Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)

About Us
Little Creek Bee Ranch was created in 2005. Colony Collapse Disorder hit the following year. We jumped in full speed and made plenty of mistakes. To date, we're known across the country for our Sustainable Beekeeping principles and methodology. We think different. An "out of the box" mind set in beekeeping, is very important. We refuse to "run with the herd". If this sounds like you, please keep reading.
Our Passion is teaching the next generation of Beekeepers! We teach a series of 7 different classroom classes. We also teach various Field Classes, by appointment only. Our focus is on Sustainable Beekeeping. If you're interested in what we do and how we do it, please consider our Personal Advisor Service. This is our #1 service, helping Beekeepers across the country, learn Sustainable Beekeeping strategies and principles. Bee DO NOT know State lines, nor County Borders. Bee operate by a set of "Bee Principles". The environments may be a bit different, but the "Bee Principles" are the same. We have many members/students across the country. Become and P.A. Member today, and start learning tomorrow.
Little Creek Bee Ranch, is built on the belief that our Bees needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire family is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, we DO NOT use traditional pesticide treatments on our Bees. We are known for our Closed Loop Sustainable Beekeeping practices, including Essential Oil management techniques on our Bees, in order to keep them healthy. Our business is from repeat customers and referrals. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.
19386 E. 595 Rd.,
Inola, Ok. 74036
Please call ahead before
coming out to visit. 918-798-2251
If you think you want an official Bee Tour, we're willing to trade a few hours of our time, for 4 flats of plastic covered Pint jars from Wal-Mart. The "time for jars" program has been going on for at least 7 years now. This is how we accumulate our jars for honey, at the same time you get a simple tour and maybe some great Beekeeping tips!
Ph hours are 9am to 9pm.
We're serious about Beekeeping! Can you tell?
Snow storm of Jan 2010.