Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
All about consuming fresh
Bee Pollen;
Mother Natures "Red Bull"
(Check with us for availability before ordering.
Text or call 918-798-2251.
If you leave a message, please include your full name.)

Bee Pollen
This is 1 pint of Bee Pollen. Never consume more than 2 tsps daily. A little bit, goes a long ways. Used as a topping, on salads, yogurts, hot cereals, or in smoothies. Helps reduce allergy symptoms from local allergens and much more.

Bee Pollen
Includes S&H

We sell a lot of natural Bee Pollen. Used as a topping, on salads, cereals, yogurts or smoothies. The Personal Advisor Program can help you get up and running with some great Pollen Traps.
Here are 2 excellent & informative videos on all the powerful benefits of Bee Pollen. Please take the time to educate yourself. Worth learning!
Bee Pollen Health Benefits: Everything You Should Know About This Superfood
Bee pollen has been labeled as one of the best superfoods in the world. It contains more proteins as compared to any animal source, so that’s no wonder. Bee pollen also possesses almost all of the nut...
Bee Pollen Benefits as an Enzyme-Rich Superfood Protein Source
Bee pollen offers a full spectrum of nutrients, amino acids, enzyme content and is considered one of the best natural protein-rich multivitamins available. Learn more about how bee's make pollen and ...
This is how we harvest Bee Pollen at Little Creek Bee Ranch, Inola, Ok.
Little Creek Bee Ranch one day pollen harvest
This is how fast bees can bring in tons of pollen! All in one day!
Little Creek Bee Ranch airing out the pollen
After we've removed the pollen, we'll bring it back up to the house to air out on large cookie sheets. Our goal here is to let the sun light chase out any ants, etc. After an hour or two, we'll bag up...
Fresh Bee pollen! This tray is 1 of 6 that we usually manage on our Bee hives.
We have to harvest our Bee Pollen every 3 or 4 days. We strip out 60% to 70% of the pollen from the legs of the Bees. They bring in LOTS of pollen to feed the Larva.

When we are running our pollen traps, we'll have to harvest pollen about every 3 or 4 days. This is one tray, of 6, that we'll harvest. At this stage, the pollen is very, very soft. It has to be weighed, then frozen, then later dried.
High in protein and amino acids, Mother Natures "Red Bull". Use as a topping on ice cream, salads, oatmeal, grits, etc. No more than 2 tsp's per day. Start off with a pinch under your tongue. Warning- Consuming too much pollen at any one time may lead to an allergic reaction. So start off small, a few kernels under your tongue.

We'll dump the pollen into a small tub. If we feel we have a larger amount, we take a large Rubber Maid tub out to harvest all the pollen. We'll end up with about 3 inches of pollen in the bottom of this large tub. Bees bring in LOTS, and LOTS of pollen, to feed the Larva.
After harvesting, we'll take it to the house to weigh our amounts, then bag and freeze for at least 24 hours. When we're ready, we'll pour this frozen pollen out on large trays and set in the sun on nice days. In about 3 to 4 hours the pollen is dry. We'll then pour it up in 5 gallon buckets for storage and sell later. $30 per pint. A little goes a long way.

This is dried pollen. We sell lots and lots of pollen! If Gold came in kernels, this is what it would look like. Hayfever sufferers take note! If you will consumer pollen on a daily basis, in about 8 to 9 months, you're allergies are greatly improved, most times, gone for good! No joke!
When we harvest pollen, it is very, very soft. You can't even touch it with your fingers without crushing the kernel. Once dried, it's much harder and can be handled without crushing the kernel. But when place on a hot food, like Oatmeal, or Grits, it will dissolve easily.
Tip - An important site we like to use, in order to determine how strong the outside Pollen count is, Enter your zip code and they will tell you how strong the Pollen is in your local area.
This video below, about how to use a Neti-pot, I have posted for all those people like me, who suffer NEEDLESSLY from Hay-fever and other allergens. This actually works! Clean your sinuses out! It may look strange, but it actually works. This has been a real life-changer for me! I hated being on the over the counter meds. If I wash my sinuses twice per day, sometimes 3 times per day during the bad months, I do fine. I eat my pollen almost daily and I'll boost myself with Buckwheat honey. No problems! You can find this exact Neti-pot at Walgreens. Enjoy! I hope we've helped someone improve their lives. There is no need to suffer. Oh! I almost forgot; I used to take 6 allergy shots per week, for nearly 8 years. My friend taught me about the Neti-pot. I was so excited, the next trip to my allergist, I told them about learning how to use a Neti-pot and how much better it made me feel. Her reply? "Oh yea, we have them in the cabinet down the hall way for free." WHAT!? I was furious! For 8 years I had been giving them my money, time and gas, going to their clinic and NO ONE bothered to teach me how to use a Neti-pot in their office! Needless to say....I never went back. Haven't had to take allergy shots....EVER SINCE THAT DAY!
How to use a neti pot
This video demonstrates on how to use a neti pot. Local Honey for sale at Little Creek Bee Ranch in Inola, Oklahoma.
story of the bee pollen
Watch how this Ukraine Beekeeper harvests and processes his pollen. Not much different than the way we do it here. Local Honey for sale at Little Creek Bee Ranch, in Inola, Ok.