Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
Little Creek Bee Ranch
Ken Davis
P.O. Box 1233
Inola, Ok. 74036
Colony Choices!
Colony Choices, are only for those who are already on our Bee List. Not on our Bee List yet? Why the heck not?! Better get movin', the competition for Bees is hot! Just realize, there's a long waiting period for our Bees. But it's worth it! You're getting a LOCAL Gene pool start! No worries, if you ever want to leave our Bee List, we send your refund back to you via Cashiers Check/Certified Receipt. No loss to you. The next person then moves up into your spot on our Bee List. However, if you wish to return to our Bee List, guess where you go? Yip, you got it.....the very end of the line! Most stay planted and wait for the Bees.
Option A) The "550 Flip" - (Cost is $550) You bring us a NEW screened bottom board, brood boxes with fully assembled frames with wax, inner cover and outter cover (only assembled NEW equipment accepted). We're swapping equipment (Hence the flip). We DO NOT break open a colony and put bees in your equipment. This is too dangerous and stressful on the colony. We can kill a Queen doing so. Don't even ask. You need to bring a small rachet strap to secure the colony. If you DO NOT have said rachet strap, we send you back home, with well wishes of course, setting another apointment for return trip. This is an EVENING time pick up, so you can capture back all the Field bees posible. We don't have time for you to go to Wal-Mart to get a rachet strap, it would be dark by the time you return. Be sure to have all required equipment before traveling out.
Option B) The "750 Bundle" - (Cost is $750) This is the most popular choice. The most BANG FOR YOUR BUCK! You can easily split this group later at home and create several more colonies. This may be a combination of 2 brood boxes & a honey box, or a brood box/medium box, or even 2 medium brood boxes. You bring only a ratchet strap to secure the colony for transport. No equipment swap required. You walk away with Bees, boxes, bottom board, frames and lids. We'll replace the equipment later. If you DO NOT have said rachet strap, we send you back home, with well wishes of course, setting another apointment for return trip. This is an EVENING time pick up, so you can capture back all the Field bees posible. We don't have time for you to go to Wal-Mart to get a rachet strap, it would be dark by the time you return. Be sure to have all required equipment before traveling out. This is an EVENING time pick up, so you can capture back all the Field bees posible.
Option C) The "150 Baby Nuc" - (Cost is $150) The Baby Nuc is popular. You bring 5 fully assembled frames with WAX ONLY, a good rachet strap and your Nuc box. We swap frames and transfer the 5 frames with bees on them, into your Nuc box. (Don't worry, this is a common practice among most beekeepers.) If you don't have 5 brood frames to swap, we add a $12.50 charge to buy our frames. You are buying BEES, these bees come on FRAMES. We can swap frames, or you can buy our 5 frames. DO NOT bring drawn comb to swap with us. We'll reject all comb coming to us. Only fully assembled WAXED frames. If you DO NOT have said rachet strap, we send you back home, with well wishes of course, setting another apointment for return trip. This is an EVENING time pick up, so you can capture back all the Field bees posible. We don't have time for you to go to Wal-Mart to get a rachet strap, it would be dark by the time you return. Be sure to have all required equipment before traveling out.
Important points to read;
1) You will be required to PAY OUT before we go to the Apiary to pick up your Bees. We will assist with the colony and prep for travel. Cash is preferred, checks are accepted & a receipt is given to you.
2) We ARE NOT a Christmas Tree farm! You're not allowed to stroll around and start opening up colonies to "have a peak". We will have already selected a colony for you to take. Don't worry, you're getting excellent bees. We are GENE POOL SENSITIVE and produce excellent colonies. Besides, our reputation and credibility are far, FAR more important than a check. No "cheesy" colonies leave our property.
3) You must bring YOUR OWN rachet strap to secure the colony for travel.
This is a safety/liability issue. NO RUBBER straps allowed. Colonies won't leave our property until I am satisfied with the safety prep before driving off our propety. If you DO NOT have said rachet strap, we send you back home, with well wishes of course, setting another apointment for return trip. This is an EVENING time pick up, so you can capture back all the Field bees posible. We don't have time for you to go to Wal-Mart to get a rachet strap, it would be dark by the time you return. Be sure to have all required equipment before traveling out.
4) Make checks payable to &/or mail to;
Ken Davis
P.O. Box 1233
Inola, Ok. 74036
5) Where do you go for pick up? Our address is;
Click on our address above, and you'll be taken to our Home page. At the bottom of our Home page is a Quest map of our location.
If you aren't sure about something and have questions, please give us a call, we'll be glad to add further explination if needed. 918-798-2251
This is my Cell phone number. If you wish to send a Text, please ADD YOUR NAME to the text.
Thanks, Ken