Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
See Holiday Special Below!!

E-book Library
Ending Wax Moth Damage Forever!
How to Obtain Honey Bees; Tips & Strategies
Essential Oils Handbook
Sustainable Queen Rearing Handbook
Bee Principles Handbook
All About Bee Pollen
Swarm Prevention & Mgt Handbook
Wax Works Handbook
How hungry are you to learn key principles and strategies in order to become a much better Sustainable Beekeeper? Here's a great opportunity to do so! Packed with tons of strategies and recipes, tips, principles, methods and much more. We're heavy on VALUE! We're creating this offer, for just that purpose. Value!
Buy 7, get 1 free! A great value.
Each of our E-books cost $40 ea. Buy 7 and get 1 for free. If you'd like to purchase only one E-book, click on the title links above and you'll be taken to the appropriate page for purchase.
However, if you'd like to take advantage of the above value, click on the "Buy Now" button below. Total cost is $280, a savings of $40. Once your order is received, we'll gladly send you the above E-books in 8 separate emails, since the files are so large.
E-book Library pak
Total is $280
(one time pay, all sales final.)

You will receive all 8 E-books which would normally cost $320.
This is a $40 savings!

Too many people come into Beekeeping and remain
Holiday Special
Buy 5, get 3 FREE!
This is a $120 savings!
Offer runs Oct 1, 2022 until Jan 2, 2023
$200, one time pay
Total is $200, for all 8 E-books. A savings of $120, offer ends Jan 2, 2023
Once ordered, will be sent to your e-mail address for download.

Holiday Special for the E-book library

A number of our members, have purchased all 8 E-books. They then print them all out and put them in a 3-ring binder. They'll then place Tabs on Titles, Chapters and key areas of interest. I've seen a few of them, and they're very sharp looking. This is now your text book for "Sustainable Beekeeping", and can be referred back to often. There's also plenty of room to make notes, etc. A smart idea in my mind. Give it some thought. Create your own personal "Sustainable Beekeeping" manual. Sweet!

Holiday Special for E-books