Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
"Ending Wax Moth Damage Forever!"
A Handbook for Beekeepers

This kind of craziness has got to STOP!
Ending Wax Moth Damage Forever

($40 one time pay. This is a pdf E-book, all sales final.)
Oh my gosh! This is a subject that’s near and dear to our hearts! If you’ve been a beekeeper for any length of time, you know exactly what I’m talking about here. Wax Moth damage! You would never think, that a simple little “moth”, could cause so much destruction and pain. One would hope. But this is “beekeeping”. Much like “Alice in Wonderland”, things are not as they always seem. No kidding!

Your knowledge and skills in this particular area, are paramount to your overall success in your Beekeeping efforts. Learning how to avoid such disasters is a huge deal. Wax Moth damage, can cost you big time! Wood, wax, bees, time, effort, and yes, this all means LOST MONEY! I often hear the following statement; “Well, the Wax Moths got my bees and destroyed my colony!” My reply is, yes, and no, not really.

Therefore, please let me share with you what we’ve learned over the years. In hopes that we can make a major difference for you and your Beekeeping efforts. Our goal, our passion, is to teach you “sustainable beekeeping practices” that can make a real difference for you. Once learned, no one can take away from you. We like this very much! I just wish, someone would have told me or shown me, these very “tips & tricks” many years ago. This would have saved me a great deal of time, effort, pain and suffering. If you ever have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us to clarify something. Protecting your “woodenware” and your Bees is a serious issue.

Some things in life aren’t so complicated. And this is certainly one of them. The damage in the aftermath, looks shocking. The solution for preventing such destruction, is very simple. Thank goodness! The quicker you learn, the better off you’re going to be. So don’t delay. Read what we’ve written and provided here. Think about what we’re teaching you. Contact us if you’re not certain. Our goal is to help you become a smarter, more strategic Sustainable Beekeeper. Personally, I like the idea of working “smarter”, not “harder”. We think you do to.
We've put together some very important resources, strategies for preventing Wax Moth damage and strategies for storing combed frames during the "off season". Also, new information from the EPA & other important sources. Don't think that you already know what to do here. There's a great deal of new information that's come out recently about this subject. We share our personal story about a major wax moth damage event, and the challenges we faced. We help you understand "what to do" and "what NOT to do" in regards to protecting your comb. Take the time now, to learn smart strategies for later.
If you'd like to learn more, click on the "Buy Now" link above. Once we receive your order, we'll deliver this popular pdf E-book to your e-mail address given. Download and begin reading. You now have an extremely valuable resource for various "tips & strategies" to consider. Read and study as your time permits. If you should have questions for us, you'll find our "contact info" on our Home page of this website. We hope we've made a difference for you.
Sincerely, Ken & Kelli Davis