Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
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(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
Essential Oils Handbook
for Beekeepers

Essential Oils used on Honey Bees is not new. We use various Essential Oil recipes and strategies to keep pests at bay and promote colony health.
I like to ask my students, "So tell me, what do you know about Honey Bees & beekeeping?" The answers I get are wide, varied & sometimes shocking. Our country as a whole, suffers from a very low "Bee IQ"! Lets see if we can change this together.
If you love your bees like we do, you'll never ever want to put traditional pesticides on them again. Up until this point, maybe you've never had another option but to do so, in order to save the colony. We've been using various Essential Oil strategies on our colonies for over 13 years, with great success. We have no plans to change anything either, because it works so well! This is a "learned skill". Hence, we've created an Essential Oils Handbook for beekeepers who would like to learn more.
Essential Oils used on Honey Bee colonies IS NOT new to beekeeping. This has been a solid strategy for decades. Cheap, efficient, effective and flexible, makes it hard for the "traditional methods" to compete.
So what's "inside"? Includes over a dozen Essential Oil recipes, various Pollen Substitute recipes, key resources we use, several book suggestions to read, links to college research studies using Essential Oils on bees, and various Essential Oil usage strategies. There's 48 pages total, loaded with tips, tricks and strategies. Also included is Eddy Woods timeline for a Swarming colony.
Essential Oils Handbook

($40 one time pay. This is a pdf E-book, all sales final.)
We've put together a power packed handbook for beekeepers who want to begin this strategy on their bees. Loaded with various Essential Oil recipes that we continue to use on our Bees to date. Once these skills are learned, no one can take them away from you. We find this to be very satisfying indeed.
Once you've ordered, we'll send out your Essential Oil handbook to your email address provided. This is a PDF file format, that you can download, read and study as you have time. If you ever have questions, give us a shout. You'll find our contact info on the face page of this website. If you aren't sure, ask!
If you like what we do here and want our help or ongoing guidance, you might consider qualifying for our Personal Advisor Service. The learning curve in Beekeeping can be very high. Having a solid, private coaching system helps to reduce such a high learning curve. Something to consider.
Thank you for learning from us! We hope to make a big difference for you and your bees. Raise your Bee IQ by learning how to use Essential Oils on your colonies, versus traditional pesticide treatments.
Sincerely, Ken