Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
Hand crafted, Locally made!

Hive Set
All assembled, 2 brood boxes, 20 frames with wax foundation installed, screened bottom board, two lids. Pick up in Inola, Ok only. No shipping.
Double Deep Brood box Hive set
(Call for availability 918-798-2251. Best to order via mailed check, money order or cashiers check.
Make payable and mail to; Ken Davis, P.O. Box 1233, Inola, Ok. 74036)
This set includes, outer cover, inner cover, 2 brood boxes, 20 frames, all with wax foundation, bottom board with mite tray. These are MannLake frames and lids. We cut and make our own boxes and bottom boards. The "blue" on the lid is only a protective plastic covering, which can be removed. The lid is actually white.
This hive set comes completely assembled. All you have to do is paint it and find the bees to put inside. Made from #1 white pine.
We build double deep hive sets for new Beekeepers. All assembled. Wax installed. You paint and find the Honey Bees.
You can place this hive in your garden to show your friends and family. A great conversation starter!

We build double deep hive sets for new Beekeepers. All assembled. Wax installed. You paint and find the Honey Bees.

We build double deep hive sets for new Beekeepers. All assembled. Wax installed. You paint and find the Honey Bees.
We drill a 1/2" hole on the face of the box, as an emergency escape hole for winter, if the colony should have a large die off and block the lower entrance. Bees must be able to make cleansing flights in winter on nicer days, or the entire colony dies!
We build double deep hive sets for new Beekeepers. All assembled. Wax installed. You paint and find the Honey Bees.
We like this "sharp look" to this set.
Each brood box has D shaped handles cut on the sides, which we cut ourselves. This allows for a sharp grip when lifting. Brood boxes when full, weigh in around 110 lbs.

We build double deep hive sets for new Beekeepers. All assembled. Wax installed. You paint and find the Honey Bees.

We build double deep hive sets for new Beekeepers. All assembled. Wax installed. You paint and find the Honey Bees.
Unlike other sets, with traditional wires, we prefer to use Fishing Line. This allows for easy cutting of queen cells should you get the chance to cut any Queen cells for splits. Your knife can cut through fishing line, but not wire...a hassle. We place 2 X's of fishing line, one on each side of the foundation to ensure the foundation stays straight.
The screened Bottom Board allows for fresh airflow, extremely important for a healthy colony of Honey Bees! We created this set with this primary thought in mind. Your colonies health will depend upon your understanding of airflow management.
........oh! and no assembly required!

We build double deep hive sets for new Beekeepers. All assembled. Wax installed. You paint and find the Honey Bees.
The BeeMate

The BeeMate is used as an aid while working your colonies, or in the shop, to hold boxes and frames. It also prevents us from having to bend over so often to pick up tools, boxes, etc. helping to limit lower back pain. Local pickup only.
What a wonderful idea!
When you work bees by yourself a lot, you always wish you had a pair of extra hands. Well now you do! The Beemate!
To see a Demo video, click here!
Keep your Honey boxes off the ground. Learn to use a Bee Mate. Easier on the back too.
Not built to be a permanent hive stand, but an aid when you move off boxes and frames. We use ours every time we work our colonies. It sure