Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
What if you could have your own personal Beekeeping coach?
Would this make a difference for you in understanding your Honey Bees & what to do next? We think so, keep reading, you'll be glad you did.

The Personal Advisor program
……..Coaching, Guidance & Advice.
($29.95 monthly Subscription. Can be canceled at any time.)
Here’s a great idea! What if you could have a Personal Beekeeping Advisor, waiting in the wings for you? Whenever you bump into an issue, or your bees stump you or confuse you. You can call your Personal Advisor and throw the questions to him. Someone who’s available 24/7. A seasoned experienced beekeeper that can help reduce such a huge learning curve quickly. Much like having an Attorney on a retainer, you can have your own Personal Beekeeping Advisor, on a monthly retainer. ($29.95 monthly Subscription)
Hello! My name is Ken Davis, a full time Sustainable Beekeeper, located in Inola, Ok. We own and operate the Little Creek Bee Ranch. A full time beekeeping operation for many years. We’ve become very popular across the country for our unique methods in beekeeping. We DO NOT use traditional pesticides on our colonies!! We only use Essential Oil recipes to promote colony health and knock out Mites and Beetles. We’re leaders in the country for Acoustic Beekeeping methods and strategies. The first beekeeper in the U.S.A. to own & operate the popular Apivox Auditor. Operating between 30 to 45 colonies, full time, for a long time, has given us a tremendous amount of knowledge, wisdom and experience that we can offer to many other beekeepers, who think like we do. We need to raise our “Bee IQ” in this country. There’s a better way, and much to learn!
This is a great opportunity for new beekeepers. Someone who wants to get started, but doesn't know where to begin. Our Sustainable system in beekeeping caters to those who want only a few colonies, up to about 100 colonies. Particularly for the beginners, in order to get them through the first 5 to 8 years in beekeeping. We're very willing to help anyone who wants to learn and wants to get started in Sustainable Beekeeping practices.
What do you get with this popular program?
Why have a Personal Advisor in beekeeping? Many advantages and benefits, which can reduce such a costly learning curve and create a more enjoyable experience in your beekeeping efforts. First off, it’s “personal and private”. You can text, or a phone call, or even Face Time your questions or dilemmas, in order to get quick answers or a better understanding of what you’re seeing. Also, you won’t have to mess around with going to Bee Club, in order to learn. Some folks don’t have a Bee Club near them, or it’s simply too far to drive, time and gas, etc. You can also avoid all the political challenges and “clicks” that are created in a club environment. A real pain. (You know what I mean.) You’re certainly free to attend. This is how most of us begin. It just grows increasingly frustrating, when you can’t get clear answers to your questions and issues. Clubs normally see a high turnover ratio due to such frustrations. By having a Personal Advisor, you get straight to the issue at hand. No messin’ about! You can read books and watch a thousand videos, but there’s nothing that can replace, a LIVE conversation, with a seasoned beekeeper, who knows what you’re seeing and knows what you’re going through. This style of learning will put you way ahead of the “learning curve” that you’re about to face. Another big benefit to having a Personal Adviser, is “flexibility and freedom”. Call with questions when it’s more convenient for you to learn. Or, set a phone appointment and schedule a time to talk. By being “private & flexible”, offers you a more convenient method of learning. Everyone’s busy these days; your time is important also. We respect this. I’ll usually return phone calls within 48 hours, but typically sooner. I return all phone calls as fast as possible.
- Color Coded Equipment List - Very popular item! We provide all of our P.A. students with a "color coded" Equipment List, so they don't buy stuff that they really don't need at that time. Saving them money in the long run. Color coded in Green - Need to buy ASAP. Yellow - Need to buy sometime later this year. Red - Can wait a few years, but will need later. By color coding these items, this allows the student to focus quickly on only the items that they need at that time. We've also included various videos, on certain items, on how we use said tool, etc. Current prices are given, and locations to purchase. This entire Equipment List can be printed out and placed in a Notebook to mark off items as purchased. This is a huge "time savings" and "cost savings" tool.
- Monthly Conference Calls - This is a time for some serious Q & A's. You can ask your questions, or simply listen into the conversation among other students. Take notes. Ask questions. Raise your "Bee IQ". You'll be given plenty of notice for the next Conference Call. You'll also be given the phone number to call and the pen number to use to enter the Conference Call. If you can't make the Conference Call, no worries, a recording of the Conference Call can be sent to you for further study, when you have time. However, we prefer you to make time to plug into the Conference Call live, so you can ask your questions. We all benefit in so doing.
- FREE Zoom classes for our P.A. Students! - To add to the value of this popular program, and since most of our students aren't able to physically attend our classes in Inola, Ok, we've added greater value to the P.A. program. We offer FREE Zoom classes to our P.A. students.
- Private Facebook lessons- Once you're plugged into the Personal Advisor program, you can then be accepted into our private Personal Advisor Group on Facebook. This allows you to view LIVE lessons in the Apiary, and watch as we solve problems, do inspections and much more. An excellent way to learn. You're notified ahead of time for the next LIVE Apiary lesson.
- One on One Phone Appointments - At times, it's helpful to set a private phone appointment, for deeper discussion and various strategies that you might want to employee. This gives you personal time and attention in order to speed up your learning.
FREE Monthly Newsletter We'll send you a complimentary newsletter every month, with 3 solid "tips & strategies" to learn. Each strategy includes a teaching video. Sponsored by Constant Contact. It's wise to save these newsletters, in order to refer back to later.
- Quick Question Response - You can text in quick questions, for fast responses and get quick answers to issues you may be having. This is often helpful, as "time is of the essence" in your beekeeping efforts. The Bees won't wait on you, so why should YOU have to wait to learn?
- FREE Field Days - Sometimes, it helps to actually SEE an issue or a strategy performed. This is by appointment only, no drop byes. Stand by my side, as we evaluate a colony and solve problems. A powerful advantage for you.
- Private Coaching - By simply having a private coach to guide you, you're "learning curve" will go down quickly. In turn, your "Bee IQ" will begin to go up even faster. This is our ultimate goal in order for you to become an excellent Sustainable Beekeeper.
- Huge Value! - We've intentionally packed in the "value" with this service. You have much to learn. Our mission is to help you get there.
- Self Paced - We work at your speed. Everyone is at different levels in their beekeeping efforts. And everyone has a different "time management" schedule as well. We acknowledge this and work hard to meet your "time management" needs.
- High Priority - We place great emphasis on you as our P.A. student. We often forgo our own bee work, in order to meet the needs of our students. You're that important!
Beekeeping can be costly and stressful, if you don’t have a “support system” of sorts. It’s comforting to know, that you can contact your Personal Advisor, someone who will guide you and explain things to you, in order to help you reduce your learning curve. What would it be worth to you, to have such private support and guidance? A monthly amount of only $29.95, gains you a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom that you can tap into in order to reduce such stress and a very high learning curve. If I’ve peeked your interest and if you think like we do (NO pesticides on our bees! Become more Sustainable!), please give me a call at 918-798-2251, my personal cell phone number. Leave me a message that states you’re interested in obtaining a Personal Adviser, name and return phone number. I’ll return your call as quickly as possible. I’ll gladly answer all of your questions to see if this style of learning is a good fit for both parties. We’re here to advise and teach. We’re also looking to fill the last few slots available. Please give me a call as soon as possible. Thank you!
Sincerely, Ken Davis – owner operator, Little Creek Bee Ranch, Inola, Ok.
PS; After subscribing, please text us your name, ph# & e-mail address for future contact.
My cell ph; 918-798-2251 (text to this number)
My e-mail;
On Face Book & YouTube

Confused about Beekeeping and how to solve problems? Many folks face this dilemma. The Personal Advisor Program can be of great help, getting you on the right path in your Beekeeping efforts.