Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
Swarm Prevention & Management Handbook for Beekeepers
I don't think I've ever met any beekeeper yet, that is excited about the idea of their bees leaving. Swarming bees are not a "new thing". It may be new to a new beekeeper, but the event of Swarming is as old as bees have been alive. Therefore, we naturally start off in the "weaker" position. There's much for us to learn, nationally & individually, in order for us to expand our thinking and raise our "Bee IQ".

Inspecting your Honey Bees is a great joy. Do you know what to look for?
Swarm Prevention & Mgt Handbook

($40 one time pay. This is a pdf E-book, all sales final.)
As a corporate body of beekeepers, our country suffers from a terribly low "Bee IQ". No matter if you've been a beekeeper for 20 years, or 2 months, you can still learn a great deal more about the Swarming process, in order to keep more bees at home. We wrote this handbook with this concern in mind.
I encourage you to learn more. The "Swarm Prevention & Mgt Handbook" is loaded with valuable strategies and detailed information, that you can capitalize upon, once you grasp the "principles & protocols" of the swarming process. If you feel confident that you already know all about this issue, I'd rethink that idea. Have a look at the "Table of Contents" to get an idea as to what you can learn. There's 70 pages total, including diagrams of various box manipulation strategies & much more!
Table of Contents
What is “Swarming” & why?
The “Swarming Process” – Learn to love it!
Recognition & Indications of Possible Swarming
The “Free Zone” Advantage
Eddy Woods Timeline & how to read it
Swarm Prevention with the Apivox Auditor
The “Hat Trick” Strategy
Passive Bees!
Swarm Cell Analysis
Swarm Prevention Strategies
1 Flip-n-Twist Strategy for Medium sets
2 Taranov Shook
3 Traditional Frame Split & Shuffle
4 Shook Shake for Double Deeps
“Set up, Condition, Action” table
Swarm Presentation, Retrieval & Capture
Drumming! True or False?
Housing the Swarm
Learn to Scoop Swarms
Swarm Reset
Locking down a Swarm!
Simple Rules to Follow
These are the very same "principles & protocols" that we teach our Apprentice students in the field. They get to see this in action, "hands on". However, you may live several states away, and not able to travel to us for a class on this subject. This "handbook" was written for just such a person.
We've put together a power packed handbook for beekeepers who want to learn these strategies & apply them to their bees. Loaded with various Swarm prevention strategies that we continue to use on our Bees to date. Once these skills are learned, no one can take them away from you. We find this to be very satisfying indeed.
Once you've ordered, we'll send out your "Swarm Prevention & Mgt" handbook to your email address provided. This is a PDF file format, that you can download, read and study as you have time. If you ever have questions, give us a shout. You'll find our contact info on the face page of this website. If you aren't sure, ask!
If you like what we do here and want our help or ongoing guidance, you might consider qualifying for our Personal Advisor Service. The learning curve in Beekeeping can be very high. Having a solid, private coaching system helps to reduce such a high learning curve. Something to consider.
Thank you for learning from us! We hope to make a big difference for you and your bees. Raise your Bee IQ by learning how to use various Swarm prevention strategies on your colonies, in order to keep more bees at home.
Sincerely, Ken