Inola, Ok.

Little Creek Bee Ranch & Supplies
Where Beekeeping futures begin!
Apivox Smart Monitor, Live Zoom class
(Api = Bees, Vox = Voice. Bees Voice)
Like what we teach? Want some more? Consider our #1 service;"Personal Advisor Program"
Classes now open! See below.

Current class being promoted.
How to Read Brood Frames
All Sales Final
Look to the right for Shopping Cart icon and checkout.
(After you pay for the class, please be sure to send us your name & phone number, via text to; 918-798-2251. Otherwise we have no way of contacting you.)
Note; this is a FREE class for our Personal Advisor students. Just let us know you plan to attend, & we'll add you to the roster.
If you'd like to become a part of the Personal Advisor Program, a smart move, please click here.
Students Currently Registered: 2
Note; Be early for this class. Sign in at 5:45pm CST if at all possible.
March 25, 2023, Saturday evening 6-10pm. CST
Duration; approx 4-5 hrs
Cost; $30 (for public students only)
Time frames; Check in; CST, 5:45pm, start 6pm to 9pm...ish. Then field Q&A's. Bring pen & paper to take good notes.
Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly.
This class covers details on how to read details in the Brood frames. We'll clear up a lot of confusion on this topic. You'll learn how to find & evaluate Eggs & Larva. How to determine if the Queen is failing & needs to be replaced. The difference between a good brood frame and bad brood frame. And much more. Have pen and paper handy to take notes.
How do you get into a "Zoom class"? There's several steps to follow first. Don't fret, it's easy!
First, pay for the class.
Second, once we've received your payment, we'll send you an "Invite" e-mail to Register for the class. Click on the Registration link for the class.
Submit your Registration and you'll automatically be given the URL link to join the class.
When the class time arrives, click on the URL link, and you're in. You'll be held in a "waiting room" until I'm ready to begin class.
If you're new to Zoom, no worries. It's easier than you think. If you have questions, I can be reached at 918-798-2251, text or call. Be sure to include your name.
All sales final.
We require a minimum of 5 students per class, before the class is a GO.

What's that old saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words"? ....and then some! No matter how long you've been in Beekeeping, you never arrive. Our passion, is to raise your "Bee IQ". The "learning curve" in Beekeeping, is a monster. No doubt about it. The quicker you acknowledge this, the better off you are. Therefore, we've created an excellent program for you to do just that; reduce your "learning curve" & raise your "Bee IQ". Please consider the "Personal Advisor Program". A powerful coaching/support system, to help you learn quickly. Click the link above to learn more. If you like what you see and want to take advantage of this popular program, go ahead and Subscribe today. I'll be in touch after you've done so.
Thanks, Ken

We're creating more "Zoom classes" for those who are interested. But we need your help please?
What class topics interest you the most?
We'd like to know which classes interest you the most. Or maybe class topics that aren't listed below. If you would please, click on the "Google Form" link below. Fill out this simple form and submit back to us. This allows us to focus on "key topics" of interest, in order to create a "Zoom class" that you'd be interested in seeing in the future. Please help us by clicking the link below. Thanks!
Basic Beekeeping
Students Currently Registered: 0
Date; TBD
Cost; $50
Time frames; Check in; 8:45am, start 9am to 4pm. 15 min break at 10:30am, lunch at 12pm, back at 1pm. Another break at 2:30pm. Usually done by 4pm. Then field more Q&A's. Bring pen & paper to take good notes. Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly.
Essential Oil Strategies for Beekeepers
Students Currently Registered: 0
Date; TBD
Cost; $50
Time frames; Check in; 8:45am, start 9am to 4pm. 15 min break at 10:30am, lunch at 12pm, back at 1pm. Another break at 2:30pm. Usually done by 4pm. Then field more Q&A's. Bring pen & paper to take good notes. Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly.
Swarm Management & Prevention
Students Currently Registered: 0
Date; TBD
Cost; $50
Time frames; Check in; 8:45am, start 9am to 4pm. 15 min break at 10:30am, lunch at 12pm, back at 1pm. Another break at 2:30pm. Usually done by 4pm. Then field more Q&A's. Bring pen & paper to take good notes. Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly.
Acoustic Beekeeping
Students Currently Registered: 0
Date; TBD
Cost; $50
Time frames; Check in; 8:45am, start 9am to 4pm. 15 min break at 10:30am, lunch at 12pm, back at 1pm. Another break at 2:30pm. Usually done by 4pm. Then field more Q&A's. Bring pen & paper to take good notes. Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly.
Sustainable Queen Rearing
Students Currently Registered: 0
Date; TBD
Cost; $50
Time frames; Check in; 8:45am, start 9am to 4pm. 15 min break at 10:30am, lunch at 12pm, back at 1pm. Another break at 2:30pm. Usually done by 4pm. Then field more Q&A's. Bring pen & paper to take good notes.
Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly.
Students Currently Registered: 0
Date; TBD
Cost; $50
Time frames; Check in; 8:45am, start 9am to 4pm. 15 min break at 10:30am, lunch at 12pm, back at 1pm. Another break at 2:30pm. Usually done by 4pm. Then field more Q&A's.
Bring pen & paper to take good notes.
Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly.
This class will cover various strategies, tips & tricks for keeping a colony alive and healthy through Wintertime. We'll cover various issues we face, troubles that can develop and what to do when we have issues. This class is given from a PowerPoint Presentation, Screen Share, up close and personal. We're known for out great classes and quality of presentation. No matter the State or Country you live in, you can plug into our Zoom classes from the comfort of your easy chair, and learn. Zoom classes give us a broader, wider reach in order to teach Sustainable Beekeeping skills and practices. Lets Zoom!
Smart Catch Box Strategies for Swarms!" Zoom class
(Learning how to draw Swarms into various Catch Box setups, with higher than normal odds.) FREE bees!
All Sales Final.
PayPal button here
(After you pay for the class, please be sure to send us your name & phone number, via text to; 918-798-2251. Otherwise we have no way of contacting you.)
Students Currently Registered: 8
Date; TBD
Cost; $40
Duration; Under 3 hours
Time frames? Check in; CST (U.S.), 6:45pm, start 7pm to 10pm. 10 min break at 8:30pm. Will field Q&A's. Bring pen & paper to take good notes. Zoom class taught "live" by yours truly. (will be recorded)
This class will cover strategies, tips & tricks for attracting Swarms into multiple setups. We'll cover various tips & tricks to increase the odds of having a Swarm take your offering. An excellent way to get a FREE start of bees. This class is given from a PowerPoint Presentation, Screen Share, up close and personal. We're known for our great classes and quality of presentation. No matter the State or Country you live in, you can plug into our Zoom classes from the comfort of your easy chair, and learn. Zoom classes give us a broader, wider reach in order to teach Sustainable Beekeeping skills and practices. Lets Zoom!
Future classes planned.
In the mean time, you might think about a few other opportunities to learn.
1) The E-book Library - We've written 8 different E-books to date. Students love the E-books. Some of them have taken the time to print out these E-books and create their own "Sustainable Beekeeping Manual". A smart idea, for sure. But not required. I've seen several of these. Very sharp, and lots of room to take notes, highlight key concepts and tab out chapters and sections. Very worth doing. But up to you. You can buy one at a time or the "value pak", buy 7, we'll give you one FREE. Again, up to you.
2) The Personal Advisor Program - Our "flagship" service. This is the "heartbeat" of our teaching/coaching service. There is certainly a KEY to learning Sustainable Beekeeping principles and practices. And that KEY is, having a consistent flow of information coming at you, AND someone on the other end to answer vital questions, in a TIMELY manner. We deliver on all counts. Content, content, content! Excellent content. I hate fluff. We can bring "the meat". We're looking for the HUNGRY students who are serious about learning Sustainable Beekeeping practices and skills. Is that you? If you aren't sure, click on the link above and have a very close look at what we've built here. I think you'll like this very, very much. Value! Value! Value!